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Ignition Interlock Device
An Ignition Interlock Device (IID) is similar to the breathalyzer test you may have taken if you were arrested for OWI. It is attached to your vehicle or motorcycle (only LifeSafer can install on motorcycles). When you attempt to start your vehicle, you must blow into the device. The device measures the alcohol in your system. If the amount exceeds a pre-programmed level, then the interlock temporarily locks the vehicle’s ignition and you will not be able to start and use the vehicle.

Blow into the device…
The driver must blow into the device when preparing to start the vehicle. If the sample passes the tolerance level pre-set, the vehicle will start. If alcohol is detected in the test, you will be required to wait for a period of time before testing again. The first time alcohol is detected, the wait time is but a few minutes. If the next tests are also failures, you will locked out for increasingly longer periods.
Driving down the road testing …
Iowa requires random re-testing while you are operating. You may be driving down the road and the device will beep. You will need to then deliver a breath sample. If alcohol is detected, you will need to pull over and stop. The car won’t shut down but the horn will begin honking and your lights will flash.
Data stored …
Every time you blow into the device, the device stores the results. This data is then sent to the authorities. In Iowa, that will be the Iowa DOT and perhaps your probation officer. If the court ordered that you not consume alcohol and you present alcohol test results, you may find yourself being summoned into court and being punished further.
Iowa will allow you to drive …
In Iowa, if your license is not under suspension for some other reason, there is a good likelihood that you will be allowed to drive if you have the device installed.
Making Interlocks Easy in 50 Seconds from LMG Holdings on Vimeo.